The complete list of WebDriver endpoints:

  1. POST /session: Creates a new session.
  2. DELETE /session/{sessionId}: Deletes a session.
  3. GET /status: Returns the status of the server.
  4. GET /session/{sessionId}: Returns the capabilities of the specified session.
  5. POST /session/{sessionId}/timeouts: Sets the timeout for certain actions.
  6. POST /session/{sessionId}/timeouts/async_script: Sets the timeout for script execution.
  7. POST /session/{sessionId}/timeouts/implicit_wait: Sets the implicit wait timeout.
  8. GET /session/{sessionId}/window_handle: Returns the current window handle.
  9. GET /session/{sessionId}/window_handles: Returns a list of window handles.
  10. GET /session/{sessionId}/url: Returns the current URL.
  11. POST /session/{sessionId}/url: Navigates to a new URL.
  12. POST /session/{sessionId}/forward: Navigates the browser forward.
  13. POST /session/{sessionId}/back: Navigates the browser back.
  14. POST /session/{sessionId}/refresh: Refreshes the current page.
  15. POST /session/{sessionId}/execute: Executes a script in the context of the current page.
  16. POST /session/{sessionId}/execute_async: Executes an async script in the context of the current page.
  17. GET /session/{sessionId}/screenshot: Takes a screenshot of the current page.
  18. GET /session/{sessionId}/ime/available_engines: Returns a list of available IME engines.
  19. GET /session/{sessionId}/ime/active_engine: Returns the active IME engine.
  20. GET /session/{sessionId}/ime/activated: Returns whether IME is activated.
  21. POST /session/{sessionId}/ime/deactivate: Deactivates the active IME engine.
  22. POST /session/{sessionId}/ime/activate: Activates an IME engine.
  23. GET /session/{sessionId}/frame: Returns the current frame.
  24. POST /session/{sessionId}/frame: Changes the focus to a new frame.
  25. POST /session/{sessionId}/frame/parent: Changes the focus to the parent frame.
  26. GET /session/{sessionId}/window: Returns the current window handle.
  27. DELETE /session/{sessionId}/window: Closes the current window.
  28. POST /session/{sessionId}/window: Changes focus to a new window.
  29. POST /session/{sessionId}/window/{windowHandle}/size: Changes the size of a window.
  30. GET /session/{sessionId}/window/{windowHandle}/size: Returns the size of a window.
  31. POST /session/{sessionId}/window/{windowHandle}/position: Changes the position of a window.
  32. GET /session/{sessionId}/window/{windowHandle}/position: Returns the position of a window.
  33. POST /session/{sessionId}/window/{windowHandle}/maximize: Maximizes a window.
  34. GET /session/{sessionId}/cookie: Returns a list of cookies.
  35. POST /session/{sessionId}/cookie: Adds a cookie.
  36. DELETE /session/{sessionId}/cookie: Deletes all cookies.
  37. DELETE /session/{sessionId}/cookie/{name}: Deletes a specific cookie.
  38. GET /session/{sessionId}/source: Returns the source of the current page.
  39. GET /session/{sessionId}/title: Returns the title of the current page.
  40. POST /session/{sessionId}/element: Searches for an element on the page.
  41. POST /session/{sessionId}/elements: Searches for multiple elements on the page.
  42. POST /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/element: Searches for an element within the specified element.
  43. POST /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/elements: Searches for multiple elements within the specified element.
  44. GET /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/selected: Returns whether an element is selected.
  45. POST /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/toggle: Toggles an element.
  46. GET /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/enabled: Returns whether an element is enabled.
  47. GET /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/attribute/{name}: Returns the value of an attribute of an element.
  48. GET /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/property/{name}: Returns the value of a property of an element.
  49. GET /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/css/{propertyName}: Returns the value of a CSS property of an element.
  50. GET /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/text: Returns the text of an element.
  51. GET /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/name: Returns the tag name of an element.
  52. POST /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/click: Clicks on an element.
  53. POST /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/submit: Submits a form.
  54. POST /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/clear: Clears the contents of an element.
  55. POST /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/value: Enters text into an element.
  56. POST /session/{sessionId}/keys: Sends keystrokes to the active element.
  57. GET /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/displayed: Returns whether an element is displayed.
  58. GET /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/location: Returns the location of an element.
  59. GET /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/size: Returns the size of an element.
  60. GET /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/rect: Returns the rect (i.e., location and size) of an element.
  61. GET /session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/property/{name}: Returns the value of a property of an element.
  62. POST /session/{sessionId}/moveto: Moves the mouse to an element or to an offset within an element.
  63. POST /session/{sessionId}/click: Clicks at the current mouse location.
  64. POST /session/{sessionId}/buttondown: Presses the mouse button down at the current mouse location.
  65. POST /session/{sessionId}/buttonup: Releases the mouse button at the current mouse location.
  66. POST /session/{sessionId}/doubleclick: Double-clicks at the current mouse location.
  67. POST /session/{sessionId}/touch/click: Clicks on an element.
  68. POST /session/{sessionId}/touch/down: Presses the touch screen at the given location.
  69. POST /session/{sessionId}/touch/up: Releases the touch screen at the given location.
  70. POST /session/{sessionId}/touch/move: Moves the touch screen to the given location.
  71. POST /session/{sessionId}/touch/scroll: Scrolls on the touch screen.
  72. POST /session/{sessionId}/touch/doubleclick: Double-clicks on an element.
  73. POST /session/{sessionId}/touch/longclick: Long-clicks on an element.
  74. POST /session/{sessionId}/touch/flick: Flicks on the touch screen.
  75. POST /session/{sessionId}/touch/scroll: Scrolls on the touch screen.
  76. POST /session/{sessionId}/touch/scroll: Scrolls on the touch screen.
  77. POST /session/{sessionId}/touch/scroll: Scrolls on the touch screen.
  78. POST /session/{sessionId}/location: Sets the current geographic location of the device.
  79. GET /session/{sessionId}/location: Returns the current geographic location of the device.
  80. POST /session/{sessionId}/local_storage: Sets the value of an item in local storage.
  81. GET /session/{sessionId}/local_storage: Returns a list of all keys in local storage.
  82. DELETE /session/{sessionId}/local_storage: Clears all items from local storage.
  83. GET /session/{sessionId}/local_storage/key/{key}: Returns the value of an item in local storage.